Sunday, August 18, 2024

Click away now

Here's a new form of winning clicks for the BBC's regional online news offering: round up the stories that have done well this week and repeat them.  Some are from newspaper websites, and some are from the BBC digital journalists employed with money taken from BBC local radio.

This process also continues the conceit of crediting page views to 'regions' when they are created nationally. 

"One of Wiltshire's top stories was news that the central Altar Stone at Stonehenge probably came from northern Scotland, rather than Wales."  The story originally claimed '1.68m' page views for BBC Wiltshire. It was written by network science correspondent Pallab Ghosh.  Similar counting is used to credit BBC Somerset with all sorts of Glastonbury clicks.

If there are custodians of local journalism still in the superstructure of the BBC, they need to watch out for this sort of spurious statistic being used to suck even more money away from BBC Local Radio. 

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