Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Operational brilliance

 The annunciation of Jonathan Munro as BBC News Global Director does, after all, mean he's shedding some of his existing responsibilities. Here's an extract from a missive from News CEO Deborah Turness, who's a fan; you might get hot flushes reading paragraphs two and three.  

Jonathan’s move will mean new reporting lines for those parts of Network News which currently report into him. News Content, under Director Richard Burgess, will now report directly into me, and UK Commissioning under Lizzi Watson, will report to Richard. Some of Jonathan’s other editorial responsibilities such as general election planning and co-ordination around royal event coverage will in future be done by John McAndrew. Our Current Affairs teams will continue to be led by Jonathan for the time being, and we will share more detail in due course.

Jonathan is a deeply accomplished and respected journalist. Having worked with him for many years at ITN and now at the BBC, I have seen up-close his excellent editorial judgement, his calm and expert leadership, and his operational brilliance. 

The high regard in which he is held across the BBC and our industry will be a huge asset in this role

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