Monday, May 13, 2024

Keeping busy

Former BBC DG Lord Hall, 73 (King Edward's Birmingham, Birkenhead School and Keble College Oxford) is ramping up his portfolio of 'things to do'. He is to chair a panel of experts looking for a five year plan to boost tourism across Merseyside. 

Hall stepped down as DG in 2020, and was heavily criticised the following year in a Parliamentary investigation into methods used by the BBC’s Martin Bashir to secure an interview with Princess Diana. Hall also resigned as chair of the National Gallery.

Since then, he's joined the HYTY production company as Chairman (co-founder was former BBC and Olympic spinner Godric Smith); become a trustee of the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra; become chairman of Frontline, a charity promoting social workers, become chairman of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra; joined the board of the National Trust; become a trustee of the Natural History Museum; and joined the advisory board of Qwilt, a software company based in Redwood, California. 

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