Monday, August 23, 2021

Robert off the rails

Someone else will be defending train companies on tv from now on; Robert Nisbet is moving on from the Rail Delivery Group to PR company Fourth Angel. 

Fourth Angel "offers a lateral approach to integrated comms for brands that crave smarter and better. We are agnostic in our approach." Boss Angie Moxham, who set up the agency in 2018 and now co-owns it with managing director Sarah Perry, said: “Robert and I met when we worked together at GWR FM 30 years ago. We’ve remained close friends and it’s always been my dream to work with him, so Sarah, the team and I are delighted we’ve finally been able to nab him"

Robert, 52 (Highgate School, BA History Bristol, postgrad Cardiff School of Journalism) was entertainment reporter for Liquid News, originally on BBC Choice, later News 24, and worked for Sky News for ten years from 2005. 

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