Monday, August 10, 2020

Navy larks

Not only is Tim Davie shoving some current executives off the poop-deck at the BBC, he's looking for new gold-braided officers in roles that outgoing Admiral of the Fleet Lord Hall previously decided unnecessary. 

He is likely to recruit outside the BBC dockyard for an Anne-Bulford-style Vice Admiral/Chief Operating Officer, running all functions outside News and Content commissioning and production. (This could be the explanation for the sudden resignation of technology supremo Matthew Postgate.)  A new Admiral for BBC Studios will also have to come from rival shipping lines.

Tim has decided he needs a new Rear Admiral - vaguely Conservative-friendly - to manage tugs-of-war with the DCMS in the mid-term Charter Review and licence fee negotiations (who's not James Purnell or Clare Sumner). 

Meanwhile Charlotte Moore will be preferred to James Purnell as overall Commodore of Content. And Bob Shennan is likely to move away from the bogs and boilers of lockdown, and will be more than a Midshipman. Shiver me timbers !

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