Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Normally, by now, we'd have had an 'explainer', probably by Home Affairs Editor Mark Easton, instead of just pointing cameras from boats.

Some odds and ends to include: how many are granted asylum at the first go ? (A: over 50%). How many of the remainder successfully appeal when not granted asylum ? (A: over 40%).  Who makes up the majority of illegal immigrants ?  "Overstayers" who come in on regular flights and ferries. How many of them are there ? The Home Office has no idea. Just the same way it has no idea who's arrived in this country and gone into quarantine.

Some other background stuff would be useful: the value and efficiency of the Capita/Tascor contract to handle refugees/migrants, the number of migrants/refugees granted asylum in France and Germany, and perhaps a reminder of the success/failure of Theresa May's "Go Home" vans. 

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