Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Naval gazing

I'm reminded by students of BBC leadership structures through history that when Captain Mark Thompson was at the helm for his final voyages, there were often 26 others on the poop deck with him, in the form of the BBC Direction Group. 'Twas on these sailings that under-breath mutterings about the doomed Digital Media Initiative failed to surface with the necessary audibility, or were dismissed for lacking the collegiate optimism required in Thommo's ward room. Delivering Quality First. 


  1. It's all OK now, that unpleasant DMI (£100K and counting) BBC term has nown been expunged! All you'll find is: "DMI, a global mobility solutions and digital transformation leader that helps clients evolve their business models and navigate the digital revolution, supported the multi-brand fashion house with recent upgrades made to The Webster's online store" and a link to

    So you're safe, Thommo!

  2. Much like Googling "Boris" and "bus" together.


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