Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A life lived in Femail

'There are downsides to looking this pretty': Why women hate me for being beautiful. That's the headline across an article in the Mail's Femail section today, by Samantha Brick.

It seems Ms Brick (aka Mrs Pascal Rubinat) is an expert - on Ms Brick. And if she didn't exist, the Femail section would have needed to invent her. Here's a selection of her recent contributions...

April 2009: Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict...

April 2010: How could a well-educated TV executive let her addiction to psychics cost her £25,000 and ruin her marriage?

July 2010:  How TV is run by sexist pigs who only want one thing (and it’s not ratings): The shocking inside account from a former TV executive

October 2010: I can ménage, thank you: The career girl who gave it all up to become a housewife in rural France

October 2010: Why a magazine for large women is just a big, fat con (and I should know, I used to be a size 16)

December 2010: My husband says he'll divorce me if I get fat

April 2011: This life: Samantha Brick on why prenups show you really care

April 2011: I'll always be that fat girl: Samantha Brick has always obsessed about her weight... all because she was a chubby child

August 2011: I use my sex appeal to get ahead at work... and so does ANY woman with any sense

August 2011: Would YOU let your husband dress you? Samantha does and says she's never looked better

It isn't all straightforward for the beautiful one, however...

March 2012: The adult acne epidemic: Forget teenagers, modern lifestyles mean middle-aged women increasingly suffer the misery of bad skin

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