Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Role modelling

I'm guessing that the BBC Trust has now signed off the ad for a new Director General. There's no mention of the process in the 2012/3 workplan, but maybe Patten's Perestroika of the Lyons Gosplan unit has changed all that.

I found a screwed-up scrap of paper in the bar in Villandry earlier this week; largely illegible, but this is what I can make out...

English as a first language; no funny accents

Willing to do the job for around £400k plus a car and driver. No perks we can mention publicly, but we can talk about Hootenanny tickets in the interview.... 

The technocrat thing: Yes, agree they should be able to switch on an iPad, but I'd still rather they've never been on Facebook or Twitter

Age not an issue, but we need a doctor's note saying they can make it to 2017 without croaking

Clearly Chris, they have to get on with you, but in terms of a balanced ticket and insurance against all things Miliband, we need a c.v. without Eton and The Bullingdon Club. Maybe even without Oxford ?

Gender: Agreed my target is a shortlist of five,with at least two women, and at least two outsiders. After that, it's up to you and DC. 



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