Monday, August 12, 2024

In his own words ?

There's an entertaining debate continuing about the authorship of BBC Chairman Samir Shah's forceful note to staff about Huw Edwards. 

This blog has already commented on some woefully inelegant grammar. But the phrase that has caught the eye of others is "Let me be clear: the villain of this piece is Huw Edwards". It's a much stronger line than the press release about chasing money back from the former presenter. Did Samir write it, or is it the work of another hand ?

Is it a possible mis-direction ?  Could it be that Huw's 'villainy' continued undetected for so long because of supine local management and naive HR work in the matter of the star's contacts and conversations with a section of his social media 'public' ? Will the BBC Board go public with what the BBC News internal hearing found ?

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