Friday, August 9, 2024

Review time

Another review, to be led by person/persons yet identified, into 'workplace culture' at the BBC. That's the Board and Executive answer to the Huw Edwards' mess. 

In an email to staff, Chairman Samir Shah writes: "I am particularly exercised by the continuing problem of how we handle bad behaviour by those with power in the BBC. We cannot be a place where there is any sense that inappropriate behaviour is seen as acceptable."

In the same email, leader Shah ends a  mangled sentence with a preposition. Do we need a sub to the Chairman ?

"Let me be clear: the villain of this piece is Huw Edwards; the victims are those children for whose degradation Huw Edwards provided a market for."

Mr Shah glosses over the fact that he was told about Edwards' arrest at least in January when he arrived in post. 

"Whilst I was not Chair when the BBC was first alerted to Mr Edwards’ behaviour and the consequent actions taken, I – and the Board – have now had detailed accounts from BBC Executives about what happened. The Executive had to navigate a very difficult and complex situation on two fronts: the complaints made by colleagues and others and, separately, the police investigation into Mr Edwards’ criminal behaviour. In the light of what was known at the time, the decisions taken by the Director-General and his team following Mr Edwards’ arrest were well considered and reasonable. Of course hindsight can always suggest alternative actions, but unfortunately, hindsight was not available at the time. It was a balancing of considerations and an evaluation of the known facts that determined the course of action.

"What is also clear is that Tim Davie and his team approached every key decision in good faith; Mr Edwards behaved in bad faith. 

"Throughout this time, Mr Edwards knew what he had done but he still took licence fee money to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds. The Board fully support the decision of the Executive, who have written to Mr Edwards to return the money." 

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