Friday, July 19, 2024

Under the board walk

Minutes of the BBC Board meeting in April decoded... 

The Nations Board members would consider how the Nations Headquarters could be more fully utilised by their local communities.  Both Pacific Quay and Central Square are awash with space, and we'd better try to make them look busier...

Directors noted an update on changes to guidance regarding staff acting as expert witnesses. Mary Harper, once BBC Africa editor, incurred the ire of the Daily Mail for regularly appearing at immigration tribunals explaining why it was dangerous to send various people back to Somalia.

It was noted that Robbie Gibb had not received the paperwork for the Sports Rights item and would step out of the meeting ahead of its discussion. BBC Chairman Samir Shah plays hard ball with Sir Robbie.

The Board considered a paper which reviewed the strategy for iPlayer agreed in December 2022, and recommended its continuation.  The Board discussed the paper. Directors requested a number of additional pieces of work to support discussion at the June Board meeting, including an implementation
plan, a regulatory assessment and a business case.  A considerable amount of extra work required here to get this through.... 

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