Sunday, July 28, 2024

The world's most trusted news provider

The discovery that BBC Local Radio stations are running pre-recorded news bulletins on the hour on weekday afternoons raises interesting cross-divisional issues.  

In BBC News, there would be a row if it was revealed, say, that the BBC Six O'Clock News bulletins on either tv or radio were recorded at 5.30pm, in order to save money. And in BBC News, they're very big on TRANSPARENCY, cf Annual Report "the leader in transparent journalism in the UK".

Jason Horton, of BBC Nations & Regions, has a chance to come clean with his audiences - simply start these bulletins with the words "Recorded at 2.40pm, this is the News". Now I'm sure Samir Shah, Tim Davie and Sir Robbie Gibb would be right behind that, eh, Jase ?

1 comment:

  1. When I worked for BBC TV News we were forbidden to put out a completely recorded programme. This led to the late night BBC1 news having to be read again for any region closing down later than others using the live sustaining service from London.


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