Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Newsnight came back a little less dim, with the deep purple giving way to some more pastel shades. It was too frenetic - producer anxiety booked way too many guests for half-an-hour, and some basics were poor. Wide shots showing the back of Nick Watt's head got in the way of Kwasi Kwarteng; the transitions between the two interview areas were rushed, and one feared for Victoria on the tiny steps. Take both plinths out during the summer break. 

It's survival will now depend on regularly offering original stories, away from the over-planned BBC1 agenda; otherwise the format becomes a late-night Politics Live, chasing mini-gotchas.  The main presenter is clearly on the case; is there a smart enough team left to keep it going ?

1 comment:

  1. As some Beeb wag said of Newsnight 40 years ago: "they're using it to keep that Tx slot open in case something happens" 😂


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