Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Gap analysis

Poll nerds will be entertained by one featured in the Daily Mail, The Spectator and The Telegraph, apparently commissioned by The Rest Is Politics podcast (Goalhanger prop. Gary Lineker). It's from JL Partners, who say the Labour lead over the Tories has narrowed to 12 points, from their previously reported 15 points lead on 5th May. 

J is James Johnson, formerly Senior Opinion Research and Strategy Adviser to Prime Minister, Theresa May. L is Tom Lubbock, who ran analytics and polling at Conservative Central Office between 2017 and 2019. Their most recent hire as consultant is Baron Mott, formerly Darren Mott, Board Member and Director, Conservative Party Foundation Limited. 

Among JL's techniques - engaging with online gamers, and offering them game points for completing surveys. 

I'm sure the Mail, Telegraph and Spectator will pick up on today's other poll reports - Yougov suggesting a 27 point lead for Labour, Redfield & Wilton suggesting a 23 point lead, and Survation, also suggesting a 23 point lead. 

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