Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Season's Greetings

Some wishes for the impending New Year. 

BBC News, on the old-fashioned tv, needs to sort out a new post-Huw hierarchy. Who's going to host election night ?  Who's now rehearsing to lead on London Bridge 2 ?   (Needn't be the same person....) Surely there are simply too many people on the roster for the 6pm and 10pm bulletins. 

BBC2, BBC3 and BBC4 are vying to be surviving archive channels. Whilst linear viewing might be in decline, it's never going to wither entirely. I'm looking forward to a new strategy, which offers some live broadcasting every night on all of them, looking particularly at the arts, cinema, music, alongside a serious reduction in daytime quiz, home improvement and antiques shows. 

BBC1 should take more risks after the 10pm news - a regular roster of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday shows that feature comedy, satire and son of This Week. Samir to fix....

Is Panorama a series that features major investigations, or short sharp hits ? Is it still a 'brand' ? Or what ?

The BBC Board should be made to watch ALL output from Rhodri's new Nations investigative teams. Samir should set a strategy that restores live broadcasting to all BBC local radio stations between 0600 and 2200 weekdays, and 0600 and 1900 weekends. 

PS If we should get a leak on the New Year's Honours List afore we next meet, remember Samir is on the Arts and Media committee.....

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