Thursday, December 28, 2023

Marking the BBC

Our perceptive national press, led by The Sun, has picked up on a release from the Campaign For Common Sense, attacking the BBC for 'feeding viewers a steady diet of woke bias'. 

The Campaign for Common Sense was founded by former maths teacher Mark Lehain; he's currently working as a Special Adviser to Education Secretary Gillian Keegan. The 'research' that backs today's report is unsigned, but was actually conducted in 2022, when Mr Lehain was working for the Centre for Policy Studies. 

Apparently 60 hours of programming, from 14 drama titles, were checked for 'mistrust in institutions'; these were

- Anti-Conservative Party sentiment
- Anti-Brexit sentiment
- Exaggerating societal disharmony
- Pro-trade union
- Misrepresented demographics
- Anti-police
- Anti-military
- Anti-corporate/capitalist
- Tunnel-visioned on climate change
- Anti-nuclear

This pseudo-science is reflected in a table in the appendix. 

A flavour of the balanced world view offered by the Campaign for Common Sense can be taken from their list of recent webinars: five feature Calvin Robinson, fired from GB News, three feature Claire Fox, and four feature Douglas Carswell. 

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