Wednesday, September 27, 2023

More than unpleasant

 A quartet in the the headlights today: GBNews peaktime presenter Dan Wootton, his guest last night, fellow GBNews presenter and Reclaim Party founder, Laurence Fox, Politics Joe political correspondent Ava Evans, and Ofcom. 

Mr Fox talked to Mr Wootton extensively about his opinions of Ava's intellect, concluding he wouldn't shag her. Mr Wootton smiled and laughed. GB News, at ten to midnight, tweeted "Comments made tonight on GB News by Laurence Fox were totally unacceptable. What he said does not reflect our values and we apologise unreservedly for the comments and the offence they have caused. We have launched an investigation and will be apologising to the individual involved."

At 7.40am this morning, Mr Wootton tweeted "I want to reiterate my regret over last night’s exchange with Laurence on GB News. Having looked at the footage, I can see how inappropriate my reaction to his totally unacceptable remarks appears to be and want to be clear that I was in no way amused by the comments. I reacted as I did out of shock and surprise in an off guard moment while working out how to respond as he continued to speak by searching for tweets @AvaSantina  had sent earlier in the day while having them read out in my ear at the same time.

"However, I should have intervened immediately to challenge offensive and misogynistic remarks. I apologise unreservedly for what was a very unfortunate lapse in judgement on my part under the intense pressure of a bizarre exchange. I know I should have done better. I'm devastated that I let down the team and our supportive GBN family. We seek to tackle the issue and not the person, which I intend to stress again on air tonight"

Just before 9am this morning Ofcom tweeted "We can confirm we've received a number of complaints about comments made by Laurence Fox on GB News last night. We are assessing these complaints against our broadcast rules and will publish the outcome as quickly as possible."

1040am update: GB News tweet: "GB News has formally suspended Laurence Fox while we continue our investigation into comments he made on the channel last night. Mr Fox's suspension is effective immediately and he has been taken off air. We will be apologising formally to Ms Evans today."

Laurence Fox's response "A phone call might have been polite. By matter of interest for the audience contributors do a pre interview before going on, so they knew exactly what I intended to say. I fully defend the the home of free speech’s right to capitulate to the mob…"

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