Thursday, July 20, 2023

Michael on board

Michael Smyth CBE, KC (Hon) is to be the BBC non-exec for Northern Ireland, for at least the next four years. 

Michael (Royal Belfast Academical Institution and Clare College, Cambridge) was a solicitor with Clifford Chance for most of his working life. He's the author of "Business and the Human Rights Act", and has been a visiting Professor at Queen Mary's London and Essex. 

But there's a funkier side. Mrs Joyce Smyth (they met studying law at Clare, where Joyce ran the Folk Club) has been managing the Rolling Stones since 2011, and her company, Glastry has some £28m in the bank. Michael and two Smyth children seem to make up the board. Michael popped over to see the Stones in Lyon last year.   What I can't find is where Michael is based; presumably he's across the output ?

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