Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Moving and standing still

In March 2021, the BBC announced that the BBC Concert Orchestra would be moving to ‘a location outside the M25 bringing live music to underserved areas of England.'

Today Orchestras boss Simon Webb announced they'd be spending around a month in Nottingham of England over the next year, and, in case we hadn't noticed, their 'administrative base' from 2025 would be the new East Bank building at Stratford, sharing a manager with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. 

The news release intimates we were daft not to spot this climbdown....

The BBC Concert Orchestra will be London-based and will continue to perform and rehearse in venues in London, across the UK and – as announced today – as part of a new long-term partnership in Nottingham. This approach helps us to secure a creatively and financially sustainable future for the ensemble. As we confirmed earlier this year, from 2025 the BBC Concert Orchestra’s administrative base will be at East Bank.

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