Tuesday, June 27, 2023

March hares

The BBC Board seems to have been excused a February meeting (perhaps the Chair was distracted by trying to prove he'd done nowt wrong). The March minutes indicate a Board still lying supine in front of changes to BBC News, BBC Local Radio, and the BBC Orchestras and Singers. 

The March meeting came a month before Richard Sharp threw in the towel, so of course he led a-whole-afternoon-discussion on the future of the BBC. The minutes are opaque, but suggest an increasing reliance on 'metrics'. 

Extra bodies were added to the home team of Tim Davie, Charlotte Moore, Deborah Turness and Leigh Tavaziva for the discussion. They were Gautam Rangarajan (Strategy) Rhodri Talfan Davies (Nations) Claire Sumner (Policy) Alan Dickson (Finance) Kerris Bright (Chief Customer Officer) Tom Fussell (Studios) Pippa Doubtfire (Licence Fee Collection). 

A second smaller group discussed 'strategy' with the Board; they included Gautam Rangarajan (Strategy), Storm Fagan (Chief Product Officer) and Jo Sherlock (Rights). 

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