Sunday, December 18, 2022


A small rift between the positions of the Jewish Chronicle (joint prop Sir Robbie Gibb) and the Jewish News on the BBC. 

10 days ago the JC announced "BBC faces parliamentary probe over its coverage of Jews and Israel", with sub-head "Victory for JC as politicians announce inquiry into the broadcaster’s reporting organised by a panel including an ex-BBC governor"

Today the Jewish News says "Jewish community ‘misled’ over BBC ‘parliamentary inquiry’" with sub-head "So-called “parliamentary investigation” announced by a group of peers into the broadcaster's reporting of issues around Jews and Israel has been roundly condemned for being powerless and disingenuous."

The News goes on to say "An analysis of the newspaper’s petition, launched to support its anti-BBC campaign, also revealed a concerning number of messages from signatories making unsubstantiated, and often inflammatory claims against the broadcaster. One campaign supporter recently wrote that the BBC “is overtly anti-white and consciously pro-black people.” Another, among the petition’s 10,000 backers, accused the BBC of preparing the way for another Holocaust."

It quotes Jerry Lewis, a former World Service press officer now reporting for Israeli radio station KAN, added: “Those who are pursuing an agenda, as this campaign appears to be, must not fall into the trap of becoming part of the political campaign led by groups on the right to demonise some of the excellent reporting and services provided by the BBC, including superb coverage of Holocaust issues and of antisemitism.

“It’s disingenuous, and I fear this inquiry may have been set objectives and asked to do a report fulfilling those objectives, rather than looking at the real issues.”

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