Saturday, December 17, 2022

Rhodes scholar

Any discussion about who will succeed John Ryley at the top of Sky News needs to take account of the position of Sky Group director David Rhodes - either as the decision-maker, or a direct successor. 

David has been hunting for a role after moving his family to this country from New York in 2020, with kids at the American School in London.

He joined Fox News as a production assistant just before launch in 1996, straight from a degree in economics at Rice University in Houston. He rose to Vice President News over 12 years, then moved to reshape Bloomberg's tv offering in 2008. Then followed nearly nine years at CBS News. 

He first came to the UK to work on News UK's tv ambitions, and moved to Sky, now under Comcast management, in July last year, with responsibility for business development. He maintains close contact with his alma mater, Rice. 

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