Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Just England ?

BBC Director of Nations Rhodri Talfan-Davies is sitting on a grand budget. Amongst the headlines of The BBC Across the UK (BBC, 2021) was a commitment by 2027/28 to an extra £700m in spend cumulatively across the UK. 

Yesterday's cuts in his local radio budget are presented as generally cost-neutral, in terms of 'Across the UK' "These are ambitious and far-reaching proposals to grow the value we deliver to local audiences everywhere", say Rhodri. 'Growing value' is an interesting concept. We do not, as yet, have sight of the cost/benefit analysis that he will have undoubtedly had to present to the business brains that currently sit on the BBC Board. Presumably Rhodri has produced metrics which balance the 30-second eye-ball of an under-34-year-old on a BBC Humberside Instagram post compared with the three-hour ear of a lonely housebound pensioner in Northumberland to BBC Newcastle; we all deserve a copy of the handbook. 

There are real cuts in here - there have to be. Mr Talfan-Davies has expensive new buildings in Glasgow, Salford and Cardiff, all now racking up terrifying electricity bills, and all less than 40% occupied. How much has he set aside for production costs and wages in the light of 10% inflation, unlikely to drop sharply in the next financial year ?  Is he really the Director for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - or will they take their fair share of hits - and why haven't they been announced at the same time ? 

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