Thursday, September 29, 2022

Jobs news

As BBC World Service staff wait to hear this year's target for job cuts, CEO News Deborah Turness has confirmed an extra layer of senior management. 

Two management posts are renamed - becoming respectively Director of News Programmes, and Director of News Content. The current interim incumbents, Katy Searle and Richard Burgess, have to apply for the jobs. And there'll be a new role running the Commissioning team, the group that decides which stories to cover, rather than leave it to programme editors. 

Jonathan Munro, as Director of Journalism leads day-to-day, on helicopters and everything, and, in an organogram failure, Director of News Content also sits on the News Board, as well as reporting to Jonathan. 

Meanwhile Debs stretches herself, with the monthly News Board meeting, and a new Creative Strategy Board, also to meet monthly, 'finding new ways to earn trust with increasingly sceptical audiences across all age groups, on all our platforms, in the UK and around the world. ' 

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