Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Pay round, and round

The BBC seems to have gone earlier than usual with its latest pay offer, of 4.2% to be paid from August, which will be followed by a new ruse: "1% in progression later in the financial year". This looks like performance-related pay by another name.

We are told "Senior Leaders will not receive an automatic increase, and their pay is subject to a different process."   Over the past year Group General Counsel Sarah Jones has had a 4% pay increase, to somewhere above £280k. Group Managing Director, Bob Shennan got 2%.  Other executives got bigger rises, with new job titles.  

By my poor maths, the deal puts £50m to £65m on the annual pay bill, in an organisation which has declared it needs to make £285m annual savings by 2027/28. 

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