Sunday, May 29, 2022

Baked into the thinking

Jonathan Munro, interim Director of BBC News, on the merger of BBC World and BBC News channels, speaking on Newswatch, demonstrating why he didn't get the top job.  

"What we're doing is taking two separate news channels which already have quite a lot of shared output particularly around certain times of the day or stories that are relevant to both audiences, and we're gonna, rather than have two channels which have shared output, we're gonna reverse that, and have one channel that has the ability to split apart, so that when there are stories that aren't relevant overseas, but are very important for the UK audiences we will do exactly that, and that might certain times of day, it might be around certain types of stories, so the quality and depth of journalism that we're delivering to the UK licence fee payer is absolutely baked into the thinking here, we really want to deliver the best of the BBC to the News channel audience".

PS: Newswatch is not currently shown on BBC World

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