Thursday, April 7, 2022

New Doctor

As one strong woman of Ghanian heritage prepares to leave the BBC, another comes through the door. 

June Sarpong, Departing Director of Creative Diversity, has hired Joanna Abeyie as interim Head of Creative Diversity. It looks like Joanna will cover the gap left by Miranda Wayland, off to Amazon Studios. 

It will be hard to match Joanna's work ethic. She so wanted to be a showbiz journalist that she started work experience with Now magazine at 16, and freelanced all through A-Levels and University (Reading). On the side, in her twenties, she set up a stand-alone charitable journalist training scheme, and then a recruitment/placement service, which became Shine Media, and is now Blue Moon. 

She won sponsorship to get through City University's postgrad magazine journalism course; she presented on Westside FM, became a regular side-kick on Radio London shows, moved into tv production, whilst  building up a reputation on the diversity public speaking circuit. 

She occasionally uses the "Dr" title of an honorary degree from the University of West London, and likes the odd selfie, but looks like someone who can do a job. 

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