Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Boffin hunt

Those who worry that the BBC is more of a software house than a programme maker will be alarmed at another big recruitment drive. 

In June, Jaytin Athora emerged as Director of Research & Development. Now he's recruiting a Chief Technical Adviser, a Head of Technology Strategy and Governance, a Head of Applied Research - Automation, and a Portfolio Partner (also described as Partner Portfolio). 

No, I've no idea, either. Apparently "This Portfolio Partner will drive maturity in the process, planning and reporting of BBC R&D portfolio of activities". 

1 comment:

  1. Super important for the BBC (which has a proud technology heritage) to be good at this stuff. It saves money for the licence fee payer, enhances creativity and I've yet to see the modern ents business org that can create great content without software ;-)


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