Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Great Liberator

Generous John Simpson has devoted time this week to share more of his thoughts on Afghanistan with the New Statesman, in an article and a podcast, and in today's Mail on Sunday. In this latest piece, he posits this idea so far unshared with the BBC audience. 

President Biden will surely order US special forces to continue operating in Afghanistan. The SAS and their Australian, French and German counterparts will quietly join them in working with the resistance.

A new version of the Northern Alliance, with the tough, courageous Hazaras fighting alongside them, will emerge from the Panjshir Valley; and at some point I’m certain they will sweep the Taliban out of Kabul. 

When that will happen, I have no idea. But having been in Afghanistan for every major convulsion in Afghanistan for 41 years until this, I hope I’ll be on hand to report on it.


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