Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Not there

A frustrating time for The World's Greatest Living Correspondent: John Simpson has been forced to parade his vast experience of Afghanistan on some less-than-Premier League outlets in recent days. He featured on Good Morning Britain, and in an extended interview with specialist-foreign-news-outlet BBC London, where he explained he couldn't get to Kabul because he couldn't get anyone to go with him.

The Radio 4 Six O'Clock News featured John's thoughts as the tail-end piece, billing him as one of the first Western journalists into Kabul in 2001 (when the World Service was there already).  John hopes to be there again for the 20th anniversary of 9/11, so he can sum up more of his portentous thoughts against a more interesting backdrop. 

Meanwhile Ian Pannell, who left the BBC in 2017, has made it to Kabul for ABC News, and featured in the front row of the Taliban press conference. John Irvine of ITN is also there and reporting. 

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