Monday, August 17, 2020

Why the delay ?

Is it possible Boris Johnson, fending off midges in the West of Scotland, and Dominic Mckenzie Cummings have gone on holiday at the same time ? Surely if they were in No 10, the row between Gavin Williamson and Ofqual would have been sorted by now ? 

Gavin is doing for England's exam system what Katie Price has done for Turkish cosmetic dentistry. Dominic knows a thing or two about A-Levels and algorithms. This is from an addendum to a 2015 blogpost, entitled, subtly, "Bureaucratic cancer and the sabotage of A Level reform".

"Everything to do with A Levels is dominated by political not educational concerns about the numbers doing them and ‘access’. This has helped corrupt the exam system. If we had professors of physics, French, music etc every year publicly humiliating exam boards for errors, this would soon improve things from a low base and make it much harder for MPs and Whitehall to keep corrupting public exams."

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