Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Wales first

A shiver is passing through the BBC, with the news of additional savings required in BBC Wales/Cymru. This financial year they'll need to find £4.5m of cuts beyond those already committed, and an estimated 60 posts will have to go before end of March.

As is the way in the BBC, that news, issued by Chief Hair Shirt For Wales, Rhodri Talfan Davies, is only acceptable in Wales if the same figure - 5% of turnover - is to be announced in Scotland, Northern Ireland and, indeed, the whole BBC operation.

"Turnover" is a funny word to use. If 5% is £4.5m, then the whole is £90m. The BBC raised £184m in licence fees in Wales in 2018/2019. It spent £179m in Wales in the same year; £74.5m of that went to S4C.

As soon as we can work out what Rhodri means by 'turnover', we can get a handle on the target for the wider BBC....

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