Saturday, May 2, 2020

Meet the boss

This blog has followed, breathlessly, the career of Sarah Barnett, now running three networks at AMC, including BBC America. They're currently showing the third series of Killing Eve a week ahead of us; tomorrow's episode is nestled in a cradle of those British Classics, Mission Impossible 1, 2 and 3, and two showings of the plodding 2013 film White House Down. 

Sarah has been feted with a long feature in The Atlantic. I suspect she will have loved it all, including this paragraph. 

In person, Barnett has rock-star charisma that belies her august pedigree and sets her apart from her besuited peers. The first time I met her, at a dinner in Los Angeles, she ordered a tequila on the rocks, explaining that straight alcohol gives her fewer hangovers. When she’s on the West Coast, her home away from home is the Chateau Marmont. She dresses almost exclusively in black, wearing rings on all her fingers and wire-framed aviators that, she told me, she didn’t realize were “Gloria Steinem glasses” until she was having lunch with Steinem one day and Steinem pulled out the same spectacles to survey the check.

Surely, she must have pitched for DG ?

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