Friday, January 10, 2020

Tight-lipped on tree news

Majestic reply from the BBC's FOI team. Essentially, they argue they don't have to tell us what happened to the Christmas tree on the BH piazza, 'cos that's really about journalism.

"The tree was removed due to filming activity on the piazza at New Broadcasting House for
the BBC’s election coverage. Removal of the tree was associated with the needs of BBC’s
election coverage. Therefore, the information you have requested is excluded from the Act
because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ "

They go on to be a little more helpful. "However, we can explain that the requirements of the election coverage, which included analysing the election results on a giant constituency map of the UK in the piazza, were not confirmed until the tree was already in place. 
"Options to relocate the tree or store it elsewhere were explored, but these would have
incurred significant additional costs due to the size of the tree. The tree was removed at no
extra cost to the BBC.

"The tree was not replaced as this would have incurred additional costs." 

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