Wednesday, December 11, 2019


BBC radio production has won a Radio 4 commission to produce 'a programme about media' for a year to March 2021, with an option for a further two years. Guide price per episode was £4,700.

One presumes it means the continuation of The Media Show, with gabbling Amol Rajan. We'll never know what the bid was (10% of the tender assessment was on 'value for money'), or how much of it goes to the BBC's Media Editor, who last year earned in excess of £210k.

1 comment:

  1. I like Amol Rajan but he does gabble and it is very difficult for me to follow what he is saying. I attended one of his media shows when he did one at the BB Radio Theatre at BH a few months ago and spoke to him afterwards. He admitted that his diction was a problem and that he was ttryig to do better! He is not as bad as Dominic O'Connell, the Today Programme's early slot financial expert. I hve yet to comp;etely decipher a single whole sentence from him. But the BBC needs to get back to compelling all announcers and presenters to have voice training. That was how it was when I was a Radio 4 producer in the 1970s and one at World Service in the 1970s and 1980s.


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