Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Some news

... is the title of the message from the BBC's Valerie Hughes-D'Aeth to staff:

"I want to let you all know that after five years as Chief HR Officer, I have decided that in the autumn I will move on from the BBC to pursue a variety of Non Exec and consultancy roles."

Technically Val, it was three or four years as HR Director, before re-invention as Chief HR Officer, as part of your drive to have clarity of titles (or perhaps to keep up with business fashion).

In 2014, when she joined, the BBC 'public service' headcount was 16,672. In the last annual report, it was 18,210 (down from 19,400 the previous year largely thanks to move of tv staff to BBC Studios). Over the five years, churn has been significant - more than 60% of staff are new to the BBC over that period. The change and growth has largely come from the development of the BBC as a cluster of mini-software houses, something the BBC seems shy about saying. 

Why now ? The HR function has apparently been transformed and downsized (but someone might like to check average salaries). There are a considerable number of outstanding pay issues and grievances, but one feels sure that Val will have sorted those before clearing her desk. Val now reports to the DG, rather than the now-departed DDG Anne Bulford. How's Tone taken to routines about onboarding, engagement, and the race to make the BBC EVERYONE'S EMPLOYER OF FIRST CHOICE ?

Val, in her 59th year, can now re-activate VHD Consulting, based in the Home Counties village that brought you James Corden and  Leigh-Anne Pinnock of Little Mix. This blog will miss her.

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