Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I've got five points...

One-off specials are difficult. But there are lessons from last night's BBC1 special on the Conservative Party's hunt for a new leader.

1: You need one camera per candidate, one for the presenter, and one for the questioner.

2: The presenter needs an equal eyeline to each of the candidates. Talking sideways at Boris didn't work.

3: The candidates needed an equal eyeline to the members of the public asking the questions. Contorting Rory, a gangly chap at the best of times, was also not fair.

3: Editor, director, vision-mixer, and sound desk need to be driven by the presenter when deciding who talks next; too often the director forced Emily into allowing someone to take the floor, when she had tried to direct another person to answer.

4: If you're going to use the 'public' as questioners, research them more thoroughly. Why were some asked to say who'd impressed them and not others ?

5: Emily needs to be reminded it's broadcasting, not a dinner party conversation. You can't shut blokes up just by sighing and rolling your eyes.

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