Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Damian Collins and His DCMS Select Committee Swing Band are still beating the BBC eight to the bar over pay for men and women.

Lord Hall and his team sent tons of homework in, on December 18, but the MPs remain unimpressed.

"We are very disappointed that the BBC has failed to acknowledge that a pay discrimination problem exists within the Corporation. We are aware of ongoing concerns among female staff at the BBC. We believe that, had we not decided to undertake our inquiry, internal BBC action may not have been initiated in the same way. It should not take a select committee inquiry for action to be precipitated. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding pay discrimination, including talking to BBC employees and presenters, and will take further evidence from senior management over the course of the next six months.

"We were disappointed that the BBC has failed to set specific targets for tackling discrimination. We were also frustrated to note the Corporation’s continued references to the ‘gender pay gap’ and ‘fair pay’ as opposed to unequal pay (a completely different matter and an unlawful practice, as described in our Report). In the BBC’s 2018–19 Annual Report, we expect to see clear evidence of progress on pay discrimination, including measurable indicators, and a commitment to use of the correct terminology—which, for issues of pay discrimination should be ‘unequal pay’ not ‘gender pay gap’ or ‘fair pay’.

"We found the BBC’s response on transparency within pay bands to be weak; implementing a gender breakdown of the numbers of men and women in each quartile would empower staff on equal pay, in absence of full transparency. We urge the BBC to make quick progress in its further consideration of the recommendation, and will seek an update upon publication of the Corporation’s Annual Report."

1 comment:

  1. BBC claims it does not know what some star names are paid:


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