Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Error message

I can almost see Mr Justice Mann's nostrils flaring from here.

The BBC will not be appealing against his finding that the Corporation was very much in the wrong in its broadcasting about the search of Sir Cliff Richard's apartment in Sunningdale. But only, it says, because it's "an expensive legal cul de sac."

So instead it's written to the Attorney General, presenting a four-page case bearing the sub-heading "Errors of law by the trial judge".  We look forward to a further critique from Mr Justice Mann of the BBC's position, and the work of its barrister, Gavin Millar.

1 comment:

  1. It comes as no surprise that the Beeb waits for some big news stories to break outside Westminster and in Italy before sneaking this news out. Shows they've at least learned something from the way government works - wonder why they didn't do it yesterday?


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