Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Every angle

The BBC's lawyers have left Mr Justice Mann with 234 points of rebuttal over 64 pages, to all arguments put by Sir Cliff Richards' team, and South Yorkshire police.

Of course, they major on the principle point that there was nothing factually wrong with what was broadcast, and that, as such, the singer's privacy was not breached. But they cover all eventualities - on the one hand totally defending the use of the helicopter, and then also saying if it was wrong, damages should be minimal...

188. If the BBC is held liable only because of the manner in which it broadcast the story (e.g. helicopter shots) the award would have to be very modest indeed (there being, on that hypothesis, no wrongful loss of autonomy over the fact of the allegation and investigation, and no grounds for compensating for C’s (Sir Cliff) distress at the story coming out).

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