Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Small talk

A warm and well-attended send off for Paul Gibbs yesterday, with both the service and subsequent wake bringing back many happy memories of a top bloke.

Only a couple of repeatable stories I picked up...

Jonathan Maitland (Epsom College and King's London), formerly of Today, and now, he tells me, on a channel called ITV, has written a play, to be performed next year at the Park Theatre, N4. It chronicles the part of Geoffrey Howe in the political downfall of Mrs Thatcher, and will be called Dead Sheep.

Wesley Kerr (Winchester and Trinity, Cambridge), formerly BBC News reporter and producer, told of his farewell to the London branch of the Heritage Lottery Fund, which he chaired for seven years. Both Liz Forgan and Jenny Abramsky were there, which, Wesley says, was like being nuzzled by two great Dames.

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