Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fatty substances

Here's my two-penn'orth on the "size of the BBC" debate. I'm prepared to campaign to maintain the current number of outlets as long as we get an explicit guarantee that one radio network and one tv channel make no mention of anniversaries or anniversary events. 

The current "monstering" of Dr Who and JFK is a legacy of a Thommo-Byford quest for "impact", achieved not through quality, but quantity - and clogs the arteries of news and current affairs, at the expense of information about things that matter.  Gawd knows what it's going to feel like next year with World War 1.

Comedian Al Murray's Twitter timeline, if you have access, is very dry on the subject. I hope it turns into a feature of his stage routine. 

1 comment:

  1. Well don't forget the Review of News & Current Affairs which is currently on-going and doubtless has had far more mentions on-air than both JFK and Dr. Who, right?


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