Don't all rush. The BBC Trust has a
vacancy, when what remains of Trustee Antony Fry departs for the Premier League. To get a shot at £33k per year for two days a week, you need a three page cv, a couple of referees, and 300-400 words each..
- on PSB issues facing The Trust
- convincing them you can read a balance sheet
- convincing them you can understand finance cases
- convincing them you can think for yourself
- convincing you've heard of commercial tv and radio
- explaining how The Trust relates to licence-fee payers
- demonstrating you can write and talk cogently

It's also a good idea to get a handle on the Seven Principles Underpinning Public Life, otherwise known as the Nolan Principles. These are not, to my knowledge, included for members of the BBC Executive, but, as we head to the Public Accounts Committee discussion on BBC severance payments, No 1's worth remembering and maybe including in future.
Selflessness Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or other friends
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