Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tap dancing

The BBC staff organ, Ariel, reports a management move to help staff facing the exit as a result of Delivering Quality First cuts.

"A new commitment comes into effect this week that will oblige BBC hiring managers to consider those under threat of losing their jobs for vacancies they are suitably qualified for ahead of other internal or external candidates."

This is clearly part of some choreography before the announcement of detailed job closures to be achieved by March 31st 2013. Old union hands will be puzzled but pleased - if the concession genuinely means managers must prove that they've consulted the list of staff available for redeployment before going to the market. (One suspects it won't necessarily come into play ahead of big jobs like Director BBC Vision).

For HR to offer this sop unpressed, this year's cuts must be really unpleasant for most divisions; there's already unhappiness in Scotland, who traditionally "go early". Other divisions will announce their plans over the next two months. How will George spin it, from September 17th ?

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