Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This time tomorrow we may be able to judge whether or not there is any hope of reversing the proposed cuts to BBC local radio in England. There is an adjournment debate in the Commons at 9.30am on Wednesday, called by Robin Walker, Conservative MP for Worcester - a man with a background in business PR.

You can expect appearances from Westmorland Libdem Tim Farron, who's already lobbied Mark Thompson to change his mind and Luciana Berger, Labour MP for Liverpool Wavertree, who's already presented a 2,000 signature petition against the cuts.

The BBC recognises the importance of MPs - at least in this issue - and has set up a number of meetings in recent days to "explain things" to select groups.  In the last year, MPs produced a slight amelioration of the World Service deal, pushing both the Foreign Office and BBC to produce slivers of extra funding to save some jobs in BBC Arabic.

It's not what the MPs say, necessarily - the numbers prepared to turn up will make a difference.  Still time to email your MP and ask them to make an appearance.  Tell them you'll be watching.

  • Campaigners up and down the country are beginning to realise that evening programmes matter on local radio - not to big numbers, but to local interests. Folk music, jazz and live bands rely on local radio recognition for news and support. Let's see whether Jeremy Hunt and Ed Vaizey can remember their previous commitments to increased localism and culture.  

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