Thursday, March 4, 2010

Odd 6Music stats

The audience figures: Voice-over and continuity man Peter Nottage explains that if you look at available audience, 6Music is not doing at all badly. Only 12% of the population listen on DAB radios; so, with RAJAR figures of 695,000, as a percentage of 6,120,000 who might tune in, it's reaching nearly 9% of the available audience. It's not the whole story though, because more could, and should be listening via Freeview, the web,etc.

The music policy: MrFurrball on Twitter points to a very useful website, COMPARE MY RADIO, which analyses playlists. For example, in the past 30 days, 6Music has played 3,248 unique tracks, whilst XFM London has played only 535 unique tracks - the commercial approach to a station sound, delivered through rotating playlists. Average repeat factor - XFM played each song around 16 times - 6Music's average was 1.6 times !

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