Thursday, February 4, 2010

Local difficulties

The RAJAR figure which adds BBC Radio Scotland, Wales, Cymru, Ulster to all the BBC local radio stations in England is on a downward trend. About a million listeners have been lost overall since 2007 (when RAJAR methodology changed) - with the current total reach now standing at 8.9m.

In London, where Radio 4 rules the speech market, BBC London is having a hardtime against a re-born LBC. London's share stands at 1.6%, down from 1.8% two years ago compared with 5.7% for LBC in the capital - two years ago it was 3.8%.

The picture around the country is patchy - little change at Radio Shropshire, for example, over two years - but Solent has lost 3 percentage points in share, and Radio Manchester has lost one, as has Radio Lincolnshire.

So it's not just newspapers and ITV finding local and regional coverage difficult and expensive, at least in terms of holding on to audiences.

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