Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Authority figures

Do you prefer your regulators to be anonymous, but effective ? Or high-profile "real" people campaigning for the little person against the iniquities of anything big - government, business, cartels etc ?

Is it ok for Sir Christopher Meyer, chairman of the Press Complaints Commission, to use the word "b***ocks" (starred so that my blog doesn't get reported) in rejecting the assertion that the commission is a fig leaf for the ills of the newspaper industry ? Reported in Press Gazette.

Do we need to know that Colette Bowe, incoming chair of Ofcom, is a Liverpool fan and voted for Alexandra in the X-Factor ? Reported in Media Monkey.

What will the Commons Select Committee on Justice ask my former colleague Chris Graham, in line to be the next Information Commissioner, in the first appointment subject to US style scrutiny ?

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