The BBC's Political Editor used to set the tone for wider coverage.
This extract, from a piece published three hours ago, is commendable.
I am very aware at moments like this that we have an imperfect picture of what is to come.
It is incumbent on reporters to be responsible, and clear about what we don't know, so as not to cause unnecessary alarm.
There is a danger in under or over emphasising particular elements which may or may not happen or may, perhaps more likely, contain mitigations or nuances that we are not currently aware of.
Nonetheless, Chris Mason continues with his thoughts over 650 words. Elsewhere, two BBC journalists are editing a live blog, with, so far, contributions from five BBC journalists. And seven hours ago, Faisal Islam published an In Depth piece running to 2,200 words. Preview 'journalism', built on positioning by the Government, and fuelled by quotes from MPs with clear agendas. Could we manage with less of it ?
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